

Valkyrie Riders Italy
Is an Association of owners of Honda F6C Valkyrie.
The main Club is based in America and throughout the world there are national offices called "chapter".
Club membership is not restricted to the American, though Italian and vice versa.
The Club did not for profit or political purposes, aims to promote communication among the participants to:
Meetings, meetings, events, technical knowledge, suggestions, reports on events and many other services.
Another purpose is to socialize with all clubs VRCC and possibly participate in their events.
Every Italian club member is free to choose whether to bring International arms on his back, both as ITALY or not, under its direct responsibility, which is not indicative of belonging to valkyrie Riders Italy.
Official crest of our club of about 10 cm. Central Italy has written, there is no obligation to wear it, but I can only put the members of the club.
We reaffirm our independence from all club MC.
While we accept between us members of FREE independent CLUB.
We reserve the right to expel those who have behaviors that are likely to damage the club itself.


Article 1
It's an association named VALKYRIE RIDERS ITALY which will be located in Montichiari via malvezzi # 10. The Valkyrie Riders Italy is a body governed by private law, not for profit, free, apolitical and non-partisan. It operates nationally and internationally. In carrying out its activities the Club Valkyrie Riders Italy cannot predict or make, even indirectly, distribution of profits, operating surpluses, funds, reserves and capital. The Club will cooperate with Valkyrie Riders Italy, or adhere to other associations of which acknowledge and share goals, projects and operational programmes. The duration of the Club Valkyrie Riders Italy is unlimited.
Article 2
The Association is formed for the purpose of:
Practice motorcycle rallies, motorcycle tours, promoting tourism on two wheels with motorcycles Honda f6c called "Valkyrie", both nationally and internationally;
Promote knowledge, solidarity and exchange of information among the owners, drivers and fans of motorbikes "honda f6c called" valkyrie "also by promoting activities, events, meetings and seminars.
Promote the dissemination of tourism culture on two wheels with motorcycles "Valkyrie".

Article 3
The life of the Association shall be governed by this Statute and by the possible regulation, approved in accordance with the by-laws, it is necessary to better regulate specific associative relations or activities.
The Association is constituted in accordance with the rules of the Italian Constitution, the civil code and current legislation.
Article 4
Can join the Association, gaining the title of partner, all persons, without discrimination of sex, religion, ethnicity, and opinions, are owners of the Honda f6c called "Valkyrie" in the various editions, (including the honda Rune) and their Copilot, you recognize the Statute and intend to contribute to the achievement of the corporate purpose. To acquire membership should be made a formal request to the Association by filling out the form on the website
Membership is personal and is not transferable except to cause of death; the fee paid is not re-evaluated.
Article 5
Membership shall be lost:
1. Death;
2. Failure to pay annual dues in the manner established by the Governing Council;
3. Resignation;
4. Disqualification;
5. Radiation, for acts harmful to the Association or its members, dishonorable or inconsistent with the provisions of the present Charter or if serious reasons which render incompatible intervened the continuation of membership.
6. If the Member no longer fulfils the Honda F6c Valkyrie called
Members however fallen cannot request contributions and have no right to the assets of the Association.

Chapter I – General

Article 6
Are corporate bodies of the Association:
The shareholders ' meeting,
The Board Of Directors.
Chapter II-General Meeting

Article 7

The Assembly is composed of the President, Board members, ordinary members.

It is the highest deliberative organ and has the most power in order to achieve the social goals.
It can be ordinary and extraordinary.
The Assembly elects by ballot the President, members of the Board, the Treasurer and the Secretary. The Assembly may appoint by acclamation one or more Honorary Chairmen, chosen from among the people, even non-members of the Association, which for their professional, cultural and human qualities can confer prestige to the Association or have pursued the goals.

Article 8
The Assembly shall be convened by the President at least once a year and is responsible for:
Ratify the amount of annual dues established by the Board of Directors;
Approve the financial statement and budget;
Deliberating on amendments to the Statute of the Association and on the possible dissolution of the Association.

Article 9
The special meeting is convened by the Board of Directors whenever it deems it necessary or upon reasoned request and with prearranged agenda, by at least one third of the members.

Article 10
The call of shareholders ' meetings shall be effected by written notice mailed or delivered by hand or sent by e-mail or fax to each Member, at least eight days before the date of the meeting.
The summons must be specified:
Date, place and time of the meeting, both first and second convocation.

Article 11
Have the right to vote in the Assembly members in good standing with the payment of the membership fee. Each Member may be represented by another Member by written proxy. Each Member may not be a repository of more than two proxies.

Article 12
The Assembly is chaired by the President of the Association or, in his absence, by the Vice-chairman, or, in the absence of the latter, by a member of the Board of directors appointed by the same Assembly.
The Secretary were held by the Secretary of the Association or, in his absence or impediment, by the person appointed by the Assembly.
The minutes of the meeting shall be drawn up by the Secretary and countersigned by the President and the Secretary.
The deliberations of the Assembly are taken by a simple majority of voters.
The resolutions on the following subjects are taken by a qualified majority of the votes cast:
Election of the President of the Association;
Changes to these articles of Association;
Early termination of the Association.
Obvious votes in a tie, the vote of the Chairman.
Chapter III – Governing Council

Article 13
The Board of Directors is composed of a number of members equal to three, including the Chairman. The Assembly elects the Board of Directors, determining in advance by blatant vote the number of components.
The Governing Council has the task of implementing the general directives laid down by the Assembly and promote any initiative aimed at the achievement of social goals.
The Governing Council also competes to take all measures necessary for the ordinary and extraordinary administration, organisation and functioning of the Association, establish annual dues payable by members and prepare the budget of the Association, subjecting it to the approval of the Assembly.
The Governing Council may delegate to one or more advisors carry out certain tasks and delegate in working groups to study specific problems.

Article 14

The Governing Council shall appoint one of its members as Vice-chairman, the Treasurer and the Secretary to whom are attributed specific tasks set out in this Statute.

The Governing Council may make a regulation which shall be approved by the Assembly, to adjust practical aspects and details of the life of the Association.

Article 15
The Governing Council shall meet at the invitation of the President, whenever proves an opportunity or when they make a written request at least two members of the Board.
Each Member of the Board of Directors shall be invited to meetings at least three days before; only in urgent cases, the Governing Council will be convened in twenty-four hours. The convocation of the meeting can be made by letter, mailed or delivered by hand, fax, electronic mail or telegram.
The notice must indicate the topics on the agenda.

Article 16
For the validity of the meeting of the Board of Directors requires the presence of a majority of the members thereof.
The meeting is chaired by the Chairman or, in his absence, by the Vice-Chairman, or, in the absence of the latter, by another Member of the Council appointed by those present.
The Secretary of the meeting were held by the Secretary of the Association or, in case of his absence or impediment, by the person designated by the person chairing the meeting.
Resolutions are taken by a majority of votes; in the event of a tie, the vote of the Chairman.
Resolutions same will be written minutes signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of the meeting.
Chapter IV-President

Article 17
The President is elected by the Assembly, remain in Office for two years and is re-elected.
The President is the legal representative of the Association in relation to third parties and shall chair the meetings of the Governing Council and the General Assembly.
The President has the powers of normal business operations of the Association. It can also be delegated any powers, even of extraordinary administration, as decided by the Governing Council.
In particular, it is the responsibility of the President:
The preparation of an outline of the programme of activities the Association's annual and medium-term;
The final annual report on the activities of the Association;
Supervision of facilities and services of the Association;
Determining organizational policies that ensure efficiency, effectiveness, functionality and timely identification of opportunities and requirements for the Association and its members;
The adoption of rules of procedure of the organs and structures of the Association.
In case of unavailability or absence or impediment of the President, the same shall be replaced by the Vice President.
Chapter V – Advisors with special responsibilities

Article 18
The Counselor is responsible for keeping and maintaining the accounting books and to draw up the budget of the Association that will be submitted for approval to the Assembly.

Article 19
Vice-president Advisor works with the President in association activities, has the same powers as the President in the event of his impediment or absence and acts on his delegation.

Article 20
The Counselor Secretary oversees the Association's services and coordinates the activities in the context of decisions of the Governing Council.
Chapter VI – Substitution of members of collective bodies, revocation of collegial and resignation of President

Article 21
The members of the company bodies are appointed for two years and may be reelected.
In case of resignation, death or disqualification of a member or members of a Social Organ until the Middle, do you place the replacement by appointing the first unelected.
In any case, the surrogate members shall remain in Office until the end of the biennium.
If they fail more than half the member number, the President must convene the Assembly for new elections.

Article 22
The loss, for whatever reason, a Social Organ does not entail the loss of the other organs. In that case, we will place the renewal, until the biennium decayed organ.

Article 23
In case of death, resignation, permanent incapacitation of the President all corporate bodies decay. The Board of Directors shall convene the Assembly within 30 days after the forfeiture of the President to proceed with the election of new Officers. The Vice President will take over on an interim basis the powers and prerogatives of the President. Decayed bodies will remain in business for the processing of business as usual.

Article 24
All members, provided they are in good standing with the payment of membership fees, are electors and eligible.

Article 25
The assets of the Association shall consist of:
From all movable and immovable property of the Association's property at the time of formation;
By movable and immovable property of which the Association became the owner in any way.

Article 26
The sources of income of the Association are:
No membership fees to the Association;
Annual contributions of members, ordinary and extraordinary;
Voluntary contributions from members;
Subsidies, gifts and bequests;
Contributions from national institutions, local or international, lenders or other individuals;
Any other entry.

Article 27
The fiscal year coincide with the calendar year.
With the end of the year will be formed the budget to be submitted to the Assembly for approval.

Article 28
The funds necessary for the ordinary administration shall be deposited with one or more banks, selected by the Board of Directors with a policy of maximum transparency.
Withdrawals shall be made by the President or his representative.

Article 29
The Assembly may decide the early dissolution of the Association or its merger with other associations with similar purpose.
In case of dissolution, the general meeting shall elect a Liquidator who assumes the powers of the governing bodies with a mandate to ensure the realisation of assets and the devolution of the proceeds to other associations or entities operating in the same sector or with similar objectives to those of the dissolved association.
The Assembly instructs the Commissioner, by vote, in which organizations and associations should be donated the proceeds from the liquidation of assets.

Article 30
For anything not contained in the present Charter refers to the Civil Code concerning associations.